Relocating African Wildlifes to US??
Should African Animals Be Relocated to the US?
Is this idea brilliant, insane, or both?
Scientists believe these animals would be saved from extinction if relocation takes place. Some believe these animals would affect other animals that have been residing in the U.S., such as calves.
Is this idea brilliant, insane, or both?
Scientists believe these animals would be saved from extinction if relocation takes place. Some believe these animals would affect other animals that have been residing in the U.S., such as calves.
I think that is a good idea, they need to introduce animals that will hunt livestock to reduce the meat that Americans live on.
Maybe that will help with the obesity problem in America and encourage more people to look towards eating more veggies (which the livestock destroyed by chewing and digesting in their four stomaches).
Seriouslly, why not - forget about border control, it'll be cool to see how life adapts to new things and see if those animals that are at the brink of extinction thrive better in America.
Posted by
oneninefive |
11:19 PM
True...I never thought of obesity in America. That could work on improving our diet. Well, when I went to Africa, I tried three different kinds of meat there so it may not make any different unless they set the laws here that prevent killing these animals for food.
And maybe there wouldn't be any more mad cow disease issues between Canada and the States.
I would love to see people let things be. Let life evolves over new changes. We all are born to adapt... but as far as I have been seeing, it's apparent that it is impossible for human beings to adapt "with respect" to new things in North America without appropriate control. We don't know how insane people can be. What would they do to these animals or the vice versa? I guess we won't know til we try and see how adaptations work.
But like you said, if it helps preventing their extinction, then I don't see why not. Insanity in people or other animals may occur but not last long.
Posted by
proudpetite |
4:38 PM