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Friday, July 15, 2005

Bystanders can provide hard evidence

I watched on TV news last week briefly about the London explosions. The segment of the news focused on the upbringing advantages of having a camera included in a cell phone or a wireless handheld.

People who were there at the incident were asked to bring their pictures they took at the scene for investigations. It was found that the pictures were helpful during investigation.

I wouldn't be surprised to see in the future brochures or commercials when selling cell phones and wireless handhelds with camera part of them that one of the reasons to buy them is, "You may hold a hard evidence and make money". (i dont know about making money. it's the dirty business world talking in my head).


on a depressing note, there were pictures taken without respect after the explosions and posted up. I was like "Why would a bystander just do that?" .... but then I remember reading the book "Shutterbabe".

However, sometimes, the pictures are needed to be seen for impact. I read "The Century" (heavyweight book) filled with photos ranged from death, hunger, and war to success, happiness, and celebration. I was in awe. I still can remember the emotions flipping through. *sighs*

A picture is worth a thousand of words. Good or bad, it's powerful.

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