Saturday, April 23, 2005 

Truth Defeated

Quoting from Shutterbabe:

"Nobody wants to hear the truth when the myth is so much better"


What a child's smile can incredibly do...


"It's okay, little duck, it's okay," he'd stop, forget his pain and smile. And when that happened, I could think of nothing else I'd ever done of equal import. Or any experience or lover or orgasm or sunset or story or song or substance that had ever, in my entire thrilling seeking life, made me feel that good."


A woman's body


"How many times did I curse my body? How many times did I ponder how much easier my life would have been had I just be born with a Y chromosome instead of an extra X? How many times did I regret the enormous trouble my body caused me, the way it bled and attracted assaults and made me an easy target for any man with a gripe and a will to act upon it? How many times did I wish my body weren't curvy? Or small and weak and useless as a weapon of self-defense?

What an ingrate I was. What a unique gift to have a body that can serve as the vessel of a future life. What a stroke of good design to have breasts that will sustain it. What an important responsibility to be cast as the keeper of the flame instead of the igniters of fires. What ecstasy to feel such a deep, ferocious, overwhelming primal urge, not only to love and to procreate, but to nurture."


Clean Numbers, Horrifying One

Again from Shutterbabe:

"Death is so much tidier when it's reduced to statistics. Numbers are safe, empirical. Three dead, eighty dead, a thousand dead; these are the facts we crave, the stuff we can understand. Sure beats imagining one man, lying all alone in the rain, his brains slowly oozing out of his skull".



Quoting again from Shutterbabe:

Aventure - Dual meaning of the term: either "adventure" or "love affair"

"The correlation is obvious. Both describe situations requiring a willingness to leap from a safe precipice; both stimulate our adrenal glands, take us places we've never been, put us at risk..."

"... both adventures and love affairs require not just an eagerness and a willingness to experience them, but the instinct and the maturity to judge whether or not they are actually worth the risk"


Name-calling formed by Darwinian theories...

Quoting from Shutterbabe:

"When a man pursues a number of different women, he's called normal-- even a stud. When a woman pursues a number of different man, she's called a whore. We know this. Unfortunately, we have somehow allowed this dichotomy to become an accepted truth in our repressed society, and we bow to the psychobiologists foisting their Darwinian theories upon us about sperm and natural selection in huntergatherer socieies to explain why this should and must be so. (If man's genetic inclination is to spread his sperm, it's okay for him to sleep around. But woman, O sanctified producer of eggs, dependent upon a single provider, must not.)"


pour l'hygiene

Quoting from Shutterbabe:

"French women are much more practical about sex than American women. They understand that the urge to copulate is just like the urge to eat or to urinate: strong, natural and necessary for proper personal maintenance".


Roaming Australians

Shutterbabe again:

"Why is it that wherever you go on this immense planet, you can always find Australians on holiday? It must have something to do with growing up in a former penal colony. They're probably culturally programmed to seek freedom, roam."