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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Listen to the River, Siddhartha

If you find self-knowledge fascinating, if you struggle to find goals, or if you are seeking for satisfication, I suggest you to read 'Siddhartha' by the nobel prize author Herman Hesse. It is only 150-page long.

Although it is spiritual -- body, mind, soul thing--, there are times where I would say 'exactly'.

My favorite part of the book is when one says when you are searching for something, you have no time for finding. It's all right there in front of you.

Oh, I could go on..

it's just a good feeling there's someone who realized this... who has this knowledge.


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I saw the movie - i cheated. :(

I've cheated on other stories, too :) I had no idea there is a movie to this story. Is it any good?

hmm vaguely remember the story.. just keanu and how hot he was in it. :)

hmm vaguely remember the story.. just keanu and how hot he was in it. :)

hmm vaguely remember the story.. just keanu and how hot he was in it. :)

hmm vaguely remember the story.. just keanu and how hot he was in it. :)

keanu reeves in it?? im gonna check imdb (internet movies database)

yea, Keanu Reeves in "Little Buddha" in 1993 with Bridget Fonda... Will check it out. Thanks for bringing it up :)

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