How much does having a role rule us?
Had this conversation with some people about setting a role model, about Tom Cruise abusing his role as an actor. (I'm not limiting this conversation to Lore's comment alone, but conversations with others as well).
I'm starting to broaden this up now to how should we maintain our role as a teacher, as a Deaf person, as an artist, or as an actor?
Having had this small discussion with Clare about our role as a teacher and doing a blog thing... (she was supposed to post something about that and I am anxious to read her input about xanga thing) Back to the point, should we be more cautious what we have to say in our blogs because we have a role as a teacher?
Once we become someone with a career, are we trapped in that role completely in and out of the workplace? Since there are workplaces we have to be professionals about, that would mean some concealings have to be done to maintain professional. But can we not always conceal ourselves? Can we reveal our own lives outside workplace?
As sticky as this issue can get to be, I do believe in being professional, but I believe in being myself and speaking how I feel or perceive whenever I want to -outside the workplace. I think that if people in the workplace can handle what they know about others from outside workplace, they are more professional this way. A good test of how professional one is! (and a good role model to students or to people how we can separate business from real life)
I'm starting to broaden this up now to how should we maintain our role as a teacher, as a Deaf person, as an artist, or as an actor?
Having had this small discussion with Clare about our role as a teacher and doing a blog thing... (she was supposed to post something about that and I am anxious to read her input about xanga thing) Back to the point, should we be more cautious what we have to say in our blogs because we have a role as a teacher?
Once we become someone with a career, are we trapped in that role completely in and out of the workplace? Since there are workplaces we have to be professionals about, that would mean some concealings have to be done to maintain professional. But can we not always conceal ourselves? Can we reveal our own lives outside workplace?
As sticky as this issue can get to be, I do believe in being professional, but I believe in being myself and speaking how I feel or perceive whenever I want to -outside the workplace. I think that if people in the workplace can handle what they know about others from outside workplace, they are more professional this way. A good test of how professional one is! (and a good role model to students or to people how we can separate business from real life)
interesting - i had this similiar conversation with jeff last weekend.
I told him that I didnt want to be labelled as a Deaf artist. I feel that I dont fall in the same catagory as Chuck Baird or Guy Wonder - they could be more recongized if they immerse themselves with others than just deaf - but they didn't and the sad thing is, their work is only seen by only deaf people - very few people know about their work.
I'm not ashamed of or want to hide my Deafness or anything like that- just that my art has nothing to do with my disability. its like calling someone blind "a blind artist", an ape "monkey artist".
i noticed that more and more people are having their blogs blocked on xanga. I hate xanga - their template designs are inadequate and overrated. i probably will have block my blogs if i become a teacher - only because i know it could be used against me
Posted by
Laural |
12:15 AM
Yea-- you are Deaf yourself, you are an artist but it does not mean you are an artist of the deaf or for the deaf or that you should be looked at as a Deaf artist. You're just an artist of your own like every other artists in the world.
However, I would publicize to the deaf students in my classroom of your artwork just to show them that any deaf person who want to do art can do the work.. they need to believe in what they can do after being imposed by false beliefs that deaf cannot do this or that. That's the only way I would identify you as one but not to describe you the kind of artist as a Deaf artist.
I don't see it as being ashamed of your deafness but I see it that you have high expectations as an artist and you dont want to limit yourself to be like other Deaf artists as well.
I am not fond of Xanga either. Messy n tacky.
Posted by
proudpetite |
2:35 AM
"I would probably have block my blogs if I become a teacher - only because I know it could be used against me"
That's the thing I was talking about... Can I not be more than just a teacher, be a person of my own outside the workplace and share my thoughts?
I guess blog isn't the place to share but its been a way for me to express a lot lately. Not me to be like this, fyi-- but I enjoy it.
Posted by
proudpetite |
3:12 AM
Xanga Suckass big time, it looks like i'm reading some information from a hacker's website, and the person is not even a hacker.
Yeaaaaah, Lore's a Deaf Artist, not an artist :)
Posted by
xFf |
9:57 AM