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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Name-calling formed by Darwinian theories...

Quoting from Shutterbabe:

"When a man pursues a number of different women, he's called normal-- even a stud. When a woman pursues a number of different man, she's called a whore. We know this. Unfortunately, we have somehow allowed this dichotomy to become an accepted truth in our repressed society, and we bow to the psychobiologists foisting their Darwinian theories upon us about sperm and natural selection in huntergatherer socieies to explain why this should and must be so. (If man's genetic inclination is to spread his sperm, it's okay for him to sleep around. But woman, O sanctified producer of eggs, dependent upon a single provider, must not.)"

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alas for these girls --

however, having this second thoughts, should we not sympathize them?

how about sympathizing people who are trapped inside their limited minds before they could see the indistinguishable needs of a human being in both genders?

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